The 19th Annual Eagle Rock Music Festival (ERMF) is produced by Center for the Arts, Eagle Rock in partnership with Councilmember Jose Huizar and CD14. This “By Locals, For Locals” community street festival celebrates the diverse talents and imaginations of the musicians, artists, community members and merchants of Northeast Los Angeles. We’d love to see you there!

Date: Saturday, October 6th, 2018 4PM-10PM
Location: Colorado Blvd at Eagle Rock Blvd
Admission: FREE/GRATIS

Explore Further:


The Center Stage, at the heart of the Festival route, brings the irresistible talents of Vintage TroubleCut ChemistThe Lions@, Tom Kenny & The Hi-Seas, @Healing Gems, @Gingee and beats from DJ Seano.

The Subtropical Stage at Rantz Auto Center, features a sonic spectrum of global beats courtesy of @Almalafa, ECNO – El Conjunto Nueva OlaThe ParanoiasViento CallejeroEl Santo Golpe, and Subsuelo.

With delicious support from our foodie friends & neighbors: Thai Coconut, Chipotle, Sprouts, Okamoto Kitchen, Border Grill Truck, Rice Balls of Fire, Pinch of Flavor, Thai-Mex Cocina, Eat Your Feeling Ice Cream


DoLA, Nance Arte Productions, EvoekoreMedia, EnClave.LA, Boulevard Sentinel, Yelp and

Here’s a recap of last year’s ERMF:

Stay Engaged with the following hashtags:

#ermf2018 #ermf18 #cmjosehuizar #cfaer #northeastlosangeles #free #community #festival #eaglerock #nela #dola #nancearteproductions #evoekoremedia #enclavela #bolulevardsentine #musicaroots

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