danieldrexler musicaroots

Musician and songwriter, born in Montevideo in 1969. His work can be described as electro-acoustic pop songs, with a strong influence from the Rio de la Plata-region folklore, such as milonga from the Pampas, candombe, chamarrita and Montevideo-style murga.

Daniel has released 5 records: “La Llave en la Puerta” (1998), “FullTime” (2001), “Vacío” (2006), “Micromundo” (2009) and his most recent one called “Mar Abierto” (2012), published in Uruguay, Argentina and Chile.

His most recent album, “Mar Abierto”, has been considered by Brazil’s press review as one of the 5 best records released in 2013. Uruguay’s most important newspaper, El País, labeled “Mar Abierto” as one of the 5 best records of the year. In Argentina, this album was awarded the Gardel Award as “Best album – Artist of testimonial and singer/songwriter song.”

danieldrexler musicaroots
danieldrexler musicaroots

During the last few years, Daniel Drexler has held over 500 concerts in Argentina, Spain, Switzerland, Chile, Brazil, Sweden, Belgium, Uruguay, Cuba and Colombia sharing the stage with renown performers and songwriters of international prestige.

Daniel Drexler has also written music for movies, composing the soundtrack for documentaries such as “Familia Tipo”, by the Argentinian director Cecilia Priego, and “Caminantes”, by the Uruguayan residing in Mallorca, Alejandro Facal. He recently composed the music for “El notificador”, a movie by Argentinian director Blas Eloy Martinez.

Besides being a songwriter, musician and performer, Daniel Drexler is also a physician holding an advanced degree in medicine. His medican research has focused on the physiology of the auditive system, specifically on the ringing of the ears (tinnitus).

Make sure to check his performance at the SXSW on March 12 at the Speakeasy

and/or at the Russian House on Thursday, March 13

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