Migente, meet Chrisol. Enjoy getting to know her because we did!

Musica Roots: Artist name, why and full name if necessary? 

Chrisol: Chrisol; believe it or not, my actual name. Grateful that my mom is creative because I’m terrible at naming things. Still working through what I’m gonna name my EP. 

Musica Roots: Where are you originally from? Ethnicity? Where do you reside now?

Chrisol: I’m a Mexicana from Chino, CA currently living in Rosemead, CA. I love where I grew up but definitely love being closer to Los Angeles. 

Musica Roots: What did your family and friends think when you told them about being an artist?

Chrisol: At first, I could tell that my family was nervous for me. We have what I would call very first generation values which are to not waste opportunities, work hard, and build a life with stability. My immediate family isn’t very musical and don’t think there was a full understanding of what a career in the arts looked like. Despite the nerves they were still able to support me and trust that I would work hard no matter what job I had.

I’ve been working full time on both the business and creative side of the music industry and they’ve seen the successes (and failures) and are so incredibly supportive now.

Musica Roots: When did you start?

Chrisol: I started writing when I was 13 and have been working towards a life as a working artist my whole life. 

Musica Roots: Your favorite venue of all time to perform?

Chrisol: One of my dream venues is Red Rocks in Colorado. It’s such a gorgeous venue in a natural formation. I think a show there would be so magical. 

Musica Roots: Favorite bar to dine and go for drinks in your hood? Why?

Chrisol: Hands down, Eastside Luv in Boyle Heights. There’s no “dine-in” but both taco truck and First Street tacos are a couple feet away and there’s a bench out front. Also, on the weekends Theresa is usually out front of the entrance cooking up bacon-wrapped hot dogs. 

Musica Roots: When did you take the step to become an artist? What/Who inspired you?

Chrisol: I committed to a life as a full-time artist in 2017. If you ask my everything I’ve worked on until that moment was the “side gig” and music has always been the main goal. All throughout college and working my full-time job I was working as a session artist and writing as much as possible. 

Musica Roots:  What would you like to promote? New Song?

Chrisol: My first EP is going to drop 6/12/2020, pretty soon I’ll be dropping my first single off it titled “Let it be Lovely” featuring Asdru Sierra from Ozomatli. I also have a YouTube series called “Sunset Sobremesa” which is an interview show I host to connect with local artists for conversation and performances. 

Musica Roots: What genre of music do you consider your work to be? 

Chrisol: Latin Disco-Soul all the way. Its a genre blend for sure and that’s the best phrase I could think of to describe it. 

Musica Roots: Who are your major influences?

Chrisol: My biggest influences all have songs that move you with what they say and how they say it. I love artists like Amy Winehouse, Lady Gaga, Janis Joplin, Freddie Mercury, Rocio Durcal, and so many more. I am also heavily influenced by cinema and the surrealist art movement. 

Musica Roots: What instruments do you play?

Chrisol: I play guitar and piano. I play a little bit of drums but that’s mostly for my own enjoyment. 

Musica Roots: What’s your go-to Latin song?

Chrisol: My all time favorite is this Chicha song called “Cariñito” by Los Hijos del Sol.

Musica Roots: Who writes your songs? 

Chrisol: I write my own lyrics and compose as much of the melody as I can. Right now I’m collaborating a lot with a couple of producers to take the music I’m writing beyond simple structure and chords. 

Musica Roots: Where do you find your inspiration?

Chrisol: I draw inspiration from so many places. Sometimes it will be a piece of cinema, or a color. Often times I’m compelled by my own emotions to write and put down what I’m feeling just to have it out of my own head and finalize my processing of it. Other times I just hear a song and I’m like…damn…I wanna make something like that.

Musica Roots:  What’s your music-making process?

Chrisol: I will usually start with a tempo or drum beat. From there I let my voice create the melodies. I’ll sing a guitar line or a piano riff or hum what I want a horn line to sound like. It’s just like adding layers of icing. I’ve been practicing to create more complete demos on my own and that’s been a fun adventure in the world of production.

Musica Roots: What advice do you have for young up and coming artists?

“Always show up on time to the gig. AlwaysNo matter what! That, and practice your craft.” – Chrisol

Musica Roots: Any Latin artists you would like to collaborate with?

Chrisol: Trying to make something happen with Flor de Toloache. I would also like to work with La Santa Cecilia, E. Arenas, Mon Laferte, and Francisca V. 

Musica Roots: Why do you think it’s important for us to feature your interview in English instead of Spanish?

Chrisol: I wouldn’t say it better to do one over the other, I think the bottom line is that I speak better English because I was raised here, so I would always like to just be heard first in the language that I communicate in so that I’m not being misunderstood.

Musica Roots: If you quit doing music what would you be doing? Side hustle or hobby?

Chrisol: If I quit music, I would just expedite my plans for acting. Performing is my passion and I’d find a way to do that. 

Musica Roots: Are you the only talent at home?

Chrisol: My partner is a gifted painter and artist, he can also play guitar. I love having the appreciation for music in the home because it allows us to have some common ground and helps him to support my career. 

Musica Roots: Most embarrassing moment?

Chrisol: Running myself over with my truck lol. It was my last day of my junior year of high school and I was hopping into my truck that was already on. I lost my footing somehow and pulled the gear shift and the car went backward into a parked car and threw me out of it. Just such a ridiculous one in a million chance freak accident that is so embarrassing.


I’ve had more moments since then like falling on stage etc…but that ranks number one. Ironically happened on the 12th of June which is the date I’ve set for my EP release.  

Musica Roots: Besides fans, who would be a good connection for you? How can we best help you succeed?

Chrisol: I would love to be connected with more artists, radio outlets, and music journalists. 

Musica Roots: Is there a charity you advocate for? Why?

Chrisol: I’ve produced some performances and played events to raise funds for Al Otro Lado. They are a non-profit that provides pro-bono legal aid for immigrants and asylum seekers at the US/Mexico border. Also, amid the COVID-19 crisis, I’ve been trying to sell more merchandise and send a portion of the proceeds to Meals on Wheels.

Chrisol’s YouTube:

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