Home Fashion Musica Roots at LA Fashion Week

Musica Roots at LA Fashion Week

This week the official LA Fashion Week kicked off and Musica Roots was there to capture it all! Style  Fashion Week is the event that everyone wants to attend and although it is only attended by people in the industry and celebrities, fashionistas every where follow its every move. The first event I covered was the Out Magazine Fashion Show at Siren Studios, which had an amazing crowd with great energy and style and the male models were gorgeous, which only added to an already fabulous show. MG_5523 On Monday 3/10, I attended the ultra chic fashion show by the one and only, Project Runway all star, Michael Costello.  Costello’s dresses are perfect for runways, editorials and for those gorgeous women who like to be the bell of the ball.


There were plenty of celebrities in the house to support the LA fashion scene and may I say thank you, this town rocks and the world should pay attention.

Wednesday 3/12, was the show I have wanted to see since I was in high school, the Betsey Johnson show.  Ms. Johnson is an amazing designer who does not care about “fashion rules” and what anyone else is doing, she is fun, vibrant and this new collection is brilliant.

 The 2014 Fall collection has cool prints, bright colors, lots of urban glam with sequence and see through dresses. Her line is only for the girl with the confidence to walk into a room and takes all the attention and settles for nothing less. I was fortunate to meet Ms. Johnson backstage before the show and I have to say that it made my year.

Stay tuned, fashion week continues tonight! For more pictures of LA Fashion Week, check out our photo section here:

written by Elvira Zamora

Photos by Minerva Fernandez



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