Home Interviews Making Movies Has Been Empowering & Supporting DACA Recipients While On Tour

Making Movies Has Been Empowering & Supporting DACA Recipients While On Tour

While Making Movies was on tour this year, we had an opportunity to get to know them backstage and captured a bit of their performance at The Mint in Los Angeles.

See a recap of their performance below:

Making Movies is an American rock and roll band that captivates audiences with their interweaving of Afro-Latino rhythms and psychedelic rock ‘n’ roll.  The band was formed in Kansas City in 2009 by singer/guitarist Enrique Chi and his brother, bassist Diego Chi, joined by percussionist Juan-Carlos Chaurand and his brother, drummer Andres Chaurand. Making Movies’ culture gives way to beautiful dynamic shifts: at times front-man Enrique Chi trades his electric guitar for a folkloric Panamanian mejorana, and the Chaurand brothers hop off drums and percussion to instead supply the rhythmic pulse with dueling zapateados, a traditional dance from Veracruz, Mexico.

Armed with their ambitious and politically charged latest album, produced by Steve Berlin from Los Lobos, the band punches out one high-energy song after another with theatrics and improvisation littered throughout. Released in May 2017, I Am Another You peaked at #3 on the Latin Billboard charts and #8 on the World Music Charts.

Here are a few of their most recent music videos:

They are currently wrapping up their IMMIGRANTS ARE BEAUTIFUL tour – for upcoming events and more info click here!

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