Home Art Israel Martinez

Israel Martinez

Israel Martinez  –  Paint Artist

Founder of West L.A artist group. ( THIS GROUP HAS CHANGED HANDS AND NOT IN CHARGED OF IT ANYMORE) Israel studied at Associates in Art and the California Art Institute. and later thought at both Art schools, including LAAFA (Los Angeles Academy of Figurative arts) His art instructions focuses on solid fundamentals in Figure drawing and painting. He has a strong backround in both Fine and commercial art, having trained under some of the most talented artist such as: Glen Orbik,Mark Westermoe, GLen Vilppu, John Watkiss, Steve Huston, Jeremy Lipking, Neil Boyle, Ryan Wurmser among others. He was one of the most advanced students selected to be in the master program designed by mark Westermoe in 1999. Israel currently teaches his own classes in Westchester. Including: Figure quick sketch, Figure and Head drawing, Figure and portrait painting, Picture making and composition. AND ALSO RUNS FIGURE DRAWING AND PAINTING WORKSHOPS TWICE A WEEK. Israel Has been an active Art instructor since 1999, in addition in doing Commission, Fine and Commercial art.

See more of his fine art at https://www.facebook.com/israel.martinezart/about
By Luis Polanco info/photos  by Israel Martinez
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