We're excited to share that you can see Alaina Castillo on the cover of our Premier Issue of Musica Roots Magazine! Many of us met her with her EP 'Antisocial Butterfly' released just last November. Since then, the Mexican-American songstress...
Erin Darling Torralva is a Mexican-American comedian, writer, actor, and self-proclaimed "self-love advocate" from San Jose, CA. In her podcast Hot Pizza Ass, she interviews people while diving into topics like body image, sexual orientation, and other social issues...
Musica Roots: Artist name, why and full name if necessary?  Immasoul: It means all I am and want to ever be.  Musica Roots: Where are you originally from? Ethnicity? Where do you reside now? Immasoul: I was born in Chetumal, México, a small...
Ugly Primo enjoys representing the Latin culture and bridging the gap between our communities around the world through art, music, and humor. Musica Roots: Why Ugly Primo, and do you disclose your full name if necessary?  Ugly Primo: Ugly Primo is a...
Migente, meet Chrisol. Enjoy getting to know her because we did! Musica Roots: Artist name, why and full name if necessary?  Chrisol: Chrisol; believe it or not, my actual name. Grateful that my mom is creative because I'm terrible at naming...
Today, we begin our Q&A Series where we feature Latin Emerging Artists. Please show them some LOVE during these difficult times by sharing their stories, liking their social pages and listening to their music. Enjoy! Musica Roots: Luis, where are...
KORDELYA, released her debut album Mal Hecha on Thursday at the Gibson Showroom in Los Angeles. We had an opportunity to eat tacos, drink margaritas and interview her during her album release party, check it out!   https://youtu.be/1Hea4Bhn8DA Here is her latest music...
We recently had a chance to interview her during her most recent trip in Beverly Hills, CA. Enjoy, and let's show her some love. Patrizia Yanguela is one of the most influential urban music singers in Switzerland, Latin America and...
We chatted with Alina as she shares with us her major influences, new music, where she’s from and more. Enjoy our interview and add her music to your playlist by clicking here! Musica Roots: What's the origin of that name?...
We recently interviewed Techy - enjoy the interview... Musica Roots: What's the origin of that name? Is that your real name? Techy: My real name is Stephanie, my parents say I started calling me Techy at the age of two...