Digital Girl's President, Loren Medina,
will be joining the board of the 2014 Hispanicize
Music Coalition.
MIAMI, Florida - February 12, 2014 - (HISPANICIZE WIRE) - Hispanicize 2014, the annual trends event for marketing, social media, music, film and tech, today announced...
Los Angeles, CA - February 12, 2014.- After a busy week of promotion work during their recent visit to the United States, DE LA TIERRA confirmed the first dates of their international tour, with a number of concerts...
Miami – 12 de febrero del 2014 – A partir de este domingo, 16 de febrero a las 8pm/7c, los televidentes descubrirán a ocho famosos hispanos como nunca antes vistos con el gran estreno de “Top Chef Estrellas” por...
When the Los Angeles Times suggested that “if it's possible to become a pop star playing traditional music on bagpipes and recorder, Núñez could be the man,” it may have been an understatement. Few pop stars pack the energy,...
Latina Pinups held an event in Downtown LA with performances by rockabilly bands The Spoofs, Lone Range Smokers and burlesque performances by talented ladies like the gorgeous Ruby Champagne. Speaking with Ms. Erika the co-founder of Latina Pinups I...
La noche del Jueves 30 de Enero, desde temprana hora, la gente comenzó a hacer línea afuera del Conga Room, y entre más cerca llegaba la hora, la línea se hacía más larga. Esta línea de ansiosos rockeros era...
De la necesidad de renovar el “Rock en Español” en Los Angeles, el movimiento Unirock se ha formado. Entre bandas locales de Los Angeles y sus alrededores, muchas bandas deambulan en la oscuridad ya que su talento nunca...
Before I go on on talking and sharing our interview with LOVE STAR , I have to make sure to say that not only are they one of the most energetic bands I have been able to experience ,...
"Temporales" their most recent EP was produced by Cesar "El Vampiro", the legend Spanish Rock guitarist known from Mana and Jaguares SIGNA has been invited to share the stage for an array of great Latin acts such as: Hello...
Mario Lamarque started playing guitar at the age of 16. Some of his influences include Nirvana, the Smashing Pumpkins, Pearl Jam, The Cure, and other post grunge bands creating a hybrid of spanish rock. Mario uses heavily distorted guitars,...